Sukrooon sukroooon.... alhamdulillah, KANITRA SMANDAKA beres juga.. tq bwt band2 indie mjl yaaaa..good performance! sowri kalo "plyanan" dr kita agak kurang, he he.. bwt anak2 SMANDAKA, LU PADA GILA!! panas, nagen.. ujan tetep ngajanteng! salut! ya iyalaaah, bandnya the circle ama shinobi, jd tetep stay smpe sore..
tq bwt The Breetle, The Point, Mempigblaind, Casavana, Crunchy, Ninjetsu_91, Sparkle, Econous, Adipati, Warzham, Edellweis, Canprakcander, etc
x lg, maju terus bwt band indie majalengka!!
tq bwt The Breetle, The Point, Mempigblaind, Casavana, Crunchy, Ninjetsu_91, Sparkle, Econous, Adipati, Warzham, Edellweis, Canprakcander, etc
x lg, maju terus bwt band indie majalengka!!